Specialists in the charity, social enterprise and non-profit sectors
“While I was at university I got involved in a project running soup runs and Open Christmases for street homeless people. The treasurer taught me bookkeeping and later, when working in a workers’ co-operative and living in a housing co-operative, I used these skills. However, when we took our books to the accountant at the year end I often felt that we talked a different language, they did not understand how to ask us for the right things and we did not know what they were talking about. From this experience I decided to train as an accountant and to specialise in co-operatives. I set up the practice in 1985 in the spare back room of MANCODA, the Manchester Co-operative development agency.”
In the beginning ….
Growth and development
In 1994 Janet Slade and Sue Cooper formed the partnership, Slade & Cooper. Later James Gore-Langton joined them and in 2006 Slade & Cooper incorporated. In 2012 Katie Hall became a principal. After over twenty years, Janet retired after a stint at the Charity Commission, but retains close links with the firm. Sue and James similarly retired in 2019, with Christy Lau and Jennifer Daniel joining as principals. In 2024, Katie also retired.
The practice has expanded steadily continuing to attract those who have an interest in the sector and who may, like Janet, have come to accountancy via unconventional routes. We outgrew three offices before the move in 2000 to The Friends’ Meeting House, a well known hub for voluntary organisations. In 2013 we moved to Greenfish Resource Centre in the Northern Quarter and in 2021 we moved to our current home in Beehive Mill.

Increased regulation
Over the years the third sector has grown in size and complexity against a background of increased regulation. We’ve made it our business to develop our expertise and to pass it on for the benefit of our clients.
Social enterprise
Government cuts have meant that charities have had to focus on alternative revenue streams. We have developed our services to social enterprises including bookkeeping, VAT returns, management accounts and business plans.