
Preparation of Registered Social Housing Provider accounts

What is the regulatory requirement?

The filing requirement depends on how the Registered Social Housing Provider (RSHP) (formerly known as Registered Social Landlord) is constituted:

  • RSHPs that are registered societies need to file annual accounts with the Financial Conduct Authority within 7 months of their period end, together with Annual return.
  • RSHPs that are companies need to file their accounts with Companies House within 9 months of their year end, or face automatic penalties.
  • RSHPs that are companies and also registered charities also need to file their accounts with the Charity Commission within 10 months of their year end.
  • All RSHPs need to file their accounts with the Homes and Communities Agency within 6 months of their year end.
  • All RSHPs need to file a corporation tax return within 12 months of their year end, unless it is a registered charity

The accounts should comply with:

  • UK GAAP and applicable accounting standards
  • The Accounting Direction for Social Housing in England from April 2012
  • Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting by Registered Social Housing Providers: Update 2010 (‘the Housing SORP’)
  • The Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) if also a registered charity (although the Housing SORP takes precedence). The 2015 updated versions of the Charity SORP will apply for periods beginning 1st January 2015

Why use Slade & Cooper for RSHP accounts preparation?

  • We always strive to ensure that our accounts are accurate – for example reconciling the payroll to the accounts and checking for accruals and prepayments.
  • As registered auditors we are able to prepare the audit exemption report where necessary.
  • If we are also doing your audit there is a significant cost saving as some of the audit work is covered as part of the accounts preparation.
  • We can also prepare the corporation tax return including iXBRL tagging of the accounts.
  • We will advise you regarding any VAT or PAYE compliance issues or any issues regarding your governance or financial procedures that become apparent during the preparation of the accounts.
  • We aim to provide a good value service – see our pricing policy.

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